Community & Economy

The economy of the game will have three ways for players to earn:

  • The first way is by leveling up and customizing heroes, then converting them into NFTs. Each NFT is a representation of the hero they had in-game, with all attached customization and in-game characteristics. Players can sell these heroes on the open marketplace. However, only high level heroes will have the ability to be exported as NFTs.

  • The second way for players to earn will be by exporting high level items considered rare or legendary as NFTs. This will be a player run economy where the price is dictated by the quality of the item and demand.

  • Lastly, through selected game modes, players can earn PIXEL in-game which can be converted to INK tokens. The economy outside of the game will be player-owned and player-driven. To give more freedom to the players, they will be allowed to convert their PIXEL and export their heroes onto any web3 enabled blockchain we support.

In Ranked Mode, players will be able to compete against equally skilled opponents. This mode will let players queue as solo or as a team and will grant additional PIXEL. Different ranks will unlock various rewards, from special customization to a spot on the community leader board.

The community will be able to team up with friends in more casual matches as well as single player missions. In-game matches will have limited communication and will rely on an emoji/alert based system to communicate with your team.

Last updated